Saturday 1 December 2012

christmas wish list: books


I have been asked a few times already what I would like for christmas and it is always so difficult with trying not to ask for something to big or ask for something you don't really need. Plus you are always torn with what you need and what you would just really really like (which is usually expensive in my case)! I think a good old book ticks each of those boxes. So I have come up with the list above as a gift guide/stocking filler ideas or even just a pre-christmas treat from you to you...with love.

1. Habitually Chic by Heather Clawson
2. New London Style by Chloe Grimshaw
3. Face Hunter by Yvan Rodic
4. The Parisian Guide to Chic Sophie Gachet
5. New London Style by Chloe Grimshaw
6. Scandinavian Design by Taschen