Monday 10 May 2010

my addiction of late

And what is filling my dreamy mind of late?......CLOGS!

SO I first saw CLOGS on my one and only female crush (the first and maybe only ever time I have admitted this on paper/from my mouth pipe!) is the beautiful Alexa Chung wearing the wooden beauties for the Chanel couture runway show in Paris(Jan 2010), I dribbled with excitement for the best part of 10 minutes. I.FELL.IN.LOVE...RIGHT THERE, For the second time in my life.

In my little dream head..... I literally had to have these shoes! without thinking about the small factor of 1. I have no money to buy such extravagant designer shoes and 2. I have no money to buy any new shoes. full stop. Upon chasing this dragon for some time, lusting, searching for a replacement of a budget much (much much much) smaller: I found them!

PRIMA by TOPSHOP saved the day...I fell in to lust again! I ordered them quicker than a crackwhore lighting a pipe...THEY WERE MINE! They came a few days later, looking inviting in a lovely box! (note: no notion of regret that my bank balance had suddenly become drastically lighter, It was love after all).I tried them on.........and cringed! they did not look like Alexa's, these were the Primark of the clogs..and Primark is a place for the devil.
My dream of these life changing clogs (note: I TRULY felt they had the potential to change my life, or an outfit at least) became real and once I had my dream on both feet, I cringed. sighed. sent them back. and paid for the pleasure.

You can never wear cheap clogs.

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